Partner Programme
Partner Programme
Sauna building is our passion!
Join our resellers now!
Our Family Manufactory
New dimensions in premium sauna construction.
We consider it our life’s mission to ensure that the saunas we manufacture are made from top-grade materials using the most advanced machines, the latest proprietary technologies, and in an environmentally conscious manner.
Initially, our primary focus was on manufacturing and selling custom indoor & outdoor saunas. Over time, there was a growing demand for wellness sauna houses or comfort sauna houses. Thanks to our top designers and experienced professionals, we were able to bring a new dimension to the custom outdoor sauna and sauna house construction chapter.
Our family manufacture has been steadily growing and expanding since 2004, on a global scale.
iSauna already satisfies the needs of health-conscious customers in many European countries.
The team of iSauna keeps pushing the boundaries to create something aesthetically and functionally perfect.
Our products are made only with high-quality materials and a high level of expertise.
International References
Unique creations bearing the hallmark of quality.
Our international references testify to the fact that our products and services meet the high standards expected worldwide. These endorsements contribute to enhancing our company’s reputation and strengthening the trust of our strategic partners.
You can find our references all over Europe, in Hungary, Slovakia, France, Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Croatia, Czech Republic, and last but not least, the Seychelles. You can view them all on our website.
Visit iSauna‘s website where we proudly showcase our wide range of outdoor and indoor saunas, and sauna houses.
Join us and let's make your dreams come true together!
Unique creations in the name of quality
Our market-leading manufacture brings revolutionary ideas and innovations, setting new industry trends. We’re seeking partners who can fully resonate with this philosophy and represent the creations we make at a premium quality.
Our passion and commitment to innovation ensure that our clients always get the best from us.
We stand beside our partners with the goal of jointly shaping the future of the industry and raising quality expectations.
Excellent, Controlled Quality |
Reduced Prices |
Transparent Discounts |
Professional Support |
A Globally Recognised Brand |
Internationally Recognised Tüv Certifications |
Multilingual Customer Service |
Technical Drawings, 3D Visualization |
A Constantly Expanding Product Range |
Products Following The Latest Design Trends |
Regional Exclusivity |
You don't have to compromise |
High profit potential |
You can develop a clear vision |
Professional background work |
Your clients have already heard of us |
Security and reliability guaranteed |
You will have a dedicated colleague to liaise with |
We also provide you with |
A competitive advantage in the market |
You will always be one step ahead of your competitors |
Success and profit are yours! |
Become an official partner!
Join our resellers now!
iSauna Design Kft. Manufacture and sauna, wellness design studio
9174 Dunaszeg, Liget u. 11.
Bendegúz Lévay – Sales manager
Mobile: +36 70 362 5597
Szilárd Darnai – Architect
Mobile: +36 70 949 5997
Mi az, amit kapok?
iSauna szauna viszonteladó partnereink speciális kedvezményekben részesülnek a standard és az egyedi szauna kabinok, szaunaházak árából.
Az iSauna manufaktúra több országra és nyelvre magas szinten optimalizált, erős Google találati eredményekkel működő, rengeteg referenciát és terméktájékoztatást bemutató weboldalakat üzemeltet partnerei részére, ahol saját címmel és elérhetőségekkel jelenhetnek meg a viszonteladók.
Milyen elvárásoknak kell megfelelnem?
Prémium minőség forgalmazásánál elkerülhetetlen a termék és az ügyfelek személyes kapcsolatának kialakítása, főleg vásárlás előtt. Hogy segítsen ügyfeleinek a döntések meghozatalában, szüksége lesz egy bemutatóteremre, ahol a kiválasztott iSauna szaunákat bemutathatja.
Kitűnhet a többiek közül olyan kapcsolati és információs eszközökkel, mint például az iSauna live chat weboldalon keresztüli kommunikáció. Így könnyebben tarthatja ügyfeleivel a kapcsolatot.
wellnesshouse, saunahouse design and construction
sauna design
premium sauna
sauna building
garden szauna

home sauna
A mellékelt képek láttán betekintést nyerhet projektjeinkbe.
outdoor sauna
Soproni ügyfelünk véleménye.
Szaunaház Lipcse.